Who we are and what we stand for
Borer Chemie AG is a second-generation family business. Since 1965, we have stood for expertise, innovation and quality in the field of sophisticated cleaning and disinfection. We develop and produce our highly specialised products at our headquarters in Switzerland.
Our branded products are among the international market leaders in the industrial sector, hospital hygiene, the laboratory and pharmaceutical sectors, as well as in hand and surface disinfection. We distribute these worldwide through a network of subsidiaries and distribution partners as well as through direct sales.
Process specialists
In over 50 years, we have built up extensive process knowledge in the field of cleaning and disinfection. Our dedicated employees can count on this experience at any time.
Borer added value
Uncompromising quality standards and a clear customer orientation are what drive us. We see ourselves not only as a supplier, but also as a reliable and competent partner for our customers. We generate added value by combining first-class products and extensive process expertise.
Our vision
We are specialists on the markets we serve. Anyone who is thinking about sophisticated cleaning and disinfection talks to us.
Our mission
As a reliable partner, we create added value for our customers through high-quality cleaning and disinfection concepts.
Borer success factors for our customers
We have a wide range of knowledge and expertise in each of our four business areas. This creates synergies that we harness for the development of innovative and sustainable cleaning solutions. This is a success factor that we have shared with our customers every day for over 50 years.

The high quality of our products, our complementary range of services and customer-focused thinking and action ensure our competitiveness.

Quality is paramount in all aspects of our work. Our customers rely on it.

We listen to our customers and develop solutions that create added value. Our goal is the highest customer satisfaction.

We know about processes and support our customers in optimising and securing their own processes.

The high quality of our products, our complementary range of services and customer-focused thinking and action ensure our competitiveness.

Quality is paramount in all aspects of our work. Our customers rely on it.

We listen to our customers and develop solutions that create added value. Our goal is the highest customer satisfaction.

We know about processes and support our customers in optimising and securing their own processes.
Facts & figures
Borer added value for you
For over five decades, Borer Chemie AG has delivered innovative and sustainable products in conjunction with customer-specific processes. We have tremendous expertise in our four business areas. Synergies arise from this broad know-how, from which our customers benefit in specific terms: on the one hand, there are fewer unpredictable costs, which increases competitiveness. In addition, processes and products become of higher quality and thus safer to use.

In many healthcare facilities, the reprocessing of medical devices plays a central role in protecting patients and staff and in maintaining the value of capital goods. With our products and services, we offer you a comprehensive reprocessing concept.

Analytically clean surfaces are not only required for validated cleaning in pharmaceutical production and in the cosmetics industry, but also in laboratory glassware cleaning. We have the products for this.

In almost every industrial company, parts cleaning is an integral part of the manufacturing process. We have the right cleaning and decoating concepts as well as cleaning agents for the very best part quality.

Properly applied hygiene prevents infections and production downtimes and saves lives. The products from our professional hand and surface disinfection portfolio protect patients, employees and products.

In many healthcare facilities, the reprocessing of medical devices plays a central role in protecting patients and staff and in maintaining the value of capital goods. With our products and services, we offer you a comprehensive reprocessing concept.

Analytically clean surfaces are not only required for validated cleaning in pharmaceutical production and in the cosmetics industry, but also in laboratory glassware cleaning. We have the products for this.

In almost every industrial company, parts cleaning is an integral part of the manufacturing process. We have the right cleaning and decoating concepts as well as cleaning agents for the very best part quality.

Properly applied hygiene prevents infections and production downtimes and saves lives. The products from our professional hand and surface disinfection portfolio protect patients, employees and products.
Borer Competence Center
Borer Chemie AG is synonymous with highly specialised products for demanding cleaning and disinfection. Our Competence Centre, with its integrated test and training centre and which opened in 2019, impressively illustrates our passion and expert knowledge and is the only one of its kind in Europe.
Book our test and training centre with state-of-the-art machinery to optimise existing or develop new cleaning processes. Or to carry out cleaning experiments and passivate instruments. Our process experts are there to provide you with competent support.
Key partners, companies and associations can also use the Borer Competence Centre as an attractive venue for events. Our modern premises with the best infrastructure are ideal for holding seminars, workshops or congresses.

We aim to continuously improve the framework conditions for increasing sustainability through specific measures. To this end, we are constantly investing in the development of new, sustainable products. We also share our expertise and experience with our customers and cooperation partners. In this way, we are contributing to the sustainable optimisation of cleaning processes in terms of the use of cleaning products. We think and act for the long term and are mindful in our use of resources.

Social responsibility
As an owner-managed family business with a small shareholder base and strong regional roots, we act responsibly in the interests of our society and future generations. We consciously support Switzerland as a production location, create jobs and train apprentices. For our employees from 12 different nations, we have been a secure employer and partner for over 50 years. We are convinced that above-average performance and outstanding quality are always the result of a constructive corporate culture.
We have traditionally been closely associated with the Zuchwil site and the Solothurn industrial region. This has given rise to a wide-ranging commitment since 1965. This includes active participation in the regional industry association to strengthen the workplace in dialogue with politics and business. Our social commitment also traditionally focuses on institutions in the region, often for the benefit of people with disabilities.

Certified management system
Development, production and distribution ofcleaning concentrates, disinfectantsand accessories, and the provision of adviceand services in the industry, life sciences and healthcare sectors.
Here you will find brochures, certificates, data sheets and user information on our products.
family business
family business
Competence Center
Competence Center
of services
of services
Our subsidiaries
Borer Chemie AG has made a name for itself worldwide with its highly specialised products for demanding cleaning and disinfection. Thanks to our two subsidiaries, our sector-specific expertise is also available first-hand in Germany and China.
Borer Chemie Deutschland GmbH
In order to be able to directly accompany and support our customers from the medical sector in Germany and Austria, we established our subsidiary Borer Chemie Deutschland GmbH in April 2017. We offer our tried-and-tested deconex® products and other innovative solutions for healthcare through direct sales in Germany.
An experienced team of process specialists as well as application and service technicians takes care of customer concerns in the areas of instrument reprocessing and hygiene. With our proven products and our high-quality cleaning and disinfection concepts, we create added value for our customers. Our reprocessing solutions are synonymous with safety, efficiency and cost optimisation.
Stefan Roos
Head of Sales, Key Account Management
Business address:
Borer Chemie Deutschland GmbH
Lützeltaler Strasse 3
DE-63868 Grosswallstadt
Tel.: +49 6022 26557-0
Fax: +49 6022 26557-21
Borer Chemie (Shanghai) Ltd.
In the course of China's dynamic development, Borer Chemie AG founded a subsidiary in Shanghai in April 2008. The activities of Borer Chemie (Shanghai) Ltd. focus on direct customer business in the medical and life sciences sectors as well as on the industrial sectors FPD (displays, touch panels), opto-electronics and photovoltaics. Other industrial customers are handled by our distribution partner.
Like the parent company in Switzerland, our subsidiary also puts the Borer philosophy of "Advanced Cleaning Solutions" into practice: we deliver high-quality products and tested processes that are individually tailored to the environment and problems of our customers.
Raymond Weihan Hu.
General Manager
Borer Chemie (Shanghai) Ltd.
Suite 801, Changhang Building, No. 800 Zhang Yang Road
PuDong Dist., Shanghai
P.R. China
Postal Code: 200122
Tel.: +86 21 58 36 62 16
Fax: + 86 21 58 36 62 13
Global distribution partners
Find your regional distribution partner
With over 60 main representatives worldwide, we are there for you wherever you use our products. The specialists local to the region bring our expertise to you as a user and advise you on the industry-specific application of our products.
Due to legal regulations and licensing requirements, we are represented with a reduced product range in some countries.
Representative Industry
In Vitro Technologies Pty. Ltd.
7-9 Summit Road
3174 Noble Park, Melbourne, VIC
- +61 3 9771 3700
- +61 3 9771 3720
- info@invitro.com.au
Representative Life Sciences
In Vitro Technologies Pty. Ltd.
7-9 Summit Road3174 Noble Park, Melbourne, VIC
- +61 3 9771 3700
- +61 3 9771 3720
- info@invitro.com.au
Representative Medical
In Vitro Technologies Pty. Ltd.
7-9 Summit Road
3174 Noble Park, Melbourne, VIC
- +61 3 9771 3700
- +61 3 9771 3720
- info@invitro.com.au
Representative Industry
FenS bv
Amundsenweg 28
4462 GP Goes,
- +31 113 573 220
- +31 113 573 776
- sales@fens.nl
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific SPRL
Guldensporenpark 269820 Merelbeke
Representative Life Sciences
Symbiose Environnement SARL
Le Carrefour53810 CHANGÉ
- +33 243 49 75 55
- +33 243 49 75 56
- contact@symbiose-environnement.com
Representative Medical
Medtradex bvba
Vriendschapsstraat 30
3090 Overijse
- +32 27 69 70 00
- +32 27 68 12 46
- ivo.schapdryver@medtradex.com
Representative Industry
Leidinger Representações e Serviços Ltda.
R. Salem Bechara, 249 - Centro06018 180 Osasco - São Paulo
- +55 11 3699-4432
- +55 11 3699-4432
- leidinger@leidinger.com.br
Representative Life Sciences
Nova Analítica Imp. Exp. Ltda
Av. Fábio Eduardo Ramos Esquível, 2100
Diadema - SP
Representative Industry
80 Europe Blvd.
2227 Bozhurishte
Representative Life Sciences
Medical Technics Eng. Ltd.
Mladost 1, bl. 28 B, Dimitar Mollov Str.1750 Sofia
- +359 2 971 20 61
- +359 2 971 24 10
- info@mte-bg.com
Representative Medical
Medical Technics Eng. Ltd.
Mladost 1, bl. 28 B, Dimitar Mollov Str.
1750 Sofia
- +359 2 971 2845
- +359 2 971 1214
- kostov@mte-bg.com
Representative Industry
Borer Chemie AG
Gewerbestrasse 134528 Zuchwil
- +41 (0)32 686 56 00
- +41 (0)32 686 56 90
- office@borer.ch
Representative Medical
International Clinics S.A.
Av. del Valle sur 601
Piso 4 Ciudad Empresarial
- +56 2 2472 7200
- +56 2 2472 7296
- msimpson@iclinics.cl
Representative Industry
Suzhou ZMC Industrial Consultancy Co Ltd
Unit 13, 17th floor, Jinghui BuildingNo 277 Yangdong Road, SIP
21500 Suzhou
Representative Life Sciences
Borer Chemie (Shanghai) Ltd
Suite 801, Changhang BuildingNo. 800
200122 Pudong Dist. Shanghai
- +86 21 5836 6216
- +86 21 5836 6213
- office.china@borer.ch
Representative Medical
Borer Chemie (Shanghai) Ltd
Suite 801, Changhang Building
No. 800 ZhangYang Road
200122 Pudong Dist. Shanghai
- +86 21 5836 6216
- +86 21 5836 6213
- office.china@borer.ch
Representative Industry
Max F. Keller GmbH
Einsteinstrasse 14a
68169 Mannheim
- +49 621 322 790
- +49 621 322 7927
- info@keller-mannheim.de
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific GmbH
Im Heiligen Feld 17
58239 Schwerte
- +49 2304 932 890
- +49 2304 932 950
- info.germany@thermofisher.com
Representative Life Sciences
Max F. Keller GmbH
Einsteinstrasse 14a68169 Mannheim
- +49 621 322 790
- +49 621 322 7927
- info@keller-mannheim.de
Representative Life Sciences
LLG Lab Logistics Group GmbH
Am Hambuch 153340 Meckenheim
- +49 222 5 92 110
- +49 222 5 92 1111
- info@llg.de
Representative Life Sciences
VWR International GmbH
Hilpertstrasse 20 A64295 Darmstadt
- +49 6151 3972 0
- +49 6151 3972 450
- info.de@vwr.com
Representative Life Sciences
Borer Chemie AG
Gewerbestrasse 134528 Zuchwil
- +41 (0)32 686 56 00
- +41 (0)32 686 56 90
- info@borer.ch
Representative Life Sciences
Carl Roth GmbH & Co. KG
Schoemperlenstrasse 3-5
Postfach 10 01 21
76185 Karlsruhe
- +49 721 56060
- +49 721 5606149
- info@carlroth.de
Representative Medical
Borer Chemie Deutschland GmbH
Lützeltaler Straße 363868 Großwallstadt
- +49 6022 26557-0
- +49 6022 26557-21
- office@borerchemie.de
Representative Industry
KG Fridman AB
Gjuterigatan 11-13Box 496
65221 Karlstad
- +46-(0)54-185215
- +46-(0)54-186331
- info@fridman.com
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific Biotech Line ApS
Postboks 60
4000 Roskilde
Representative Life Sciences
Ryvej 12791 Dragør
Representative Medical
Steelco Nordic A/S
Lottenborgvej 26
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Representative Industry
Borer Chemie AG
Gewerbestrasse 134528 Zuchwil
- +41 (0)32 686 56 00
- +41 (0)32 686 56 90
- office@borer.ch
Representative Medical
Electrolab Medic
Calle San Antonio Abad y
Calle Gabriela Mistral
San Salvador
- +503 22399905
- +503 22354443
- andres.bustillo@electrolabmedic.com.sv
Representative Industry
KG Fridman AB FI
Gjuterigatan 11-13
Box 496
65221 Karlstad
- +46-(0)54-185215
- +46-(0)54-186331
- info@fridman.com
Representative Industry
Leybold Optics
Källskullevägen 31
43493 Vallda/Sweden
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific OY
Ratastie 201620 Vantaa
Representative Life Sciences
VWR International Oy
Valimotie 9, 6 krs.00380 Helsinki
Representative Medical
Steelco Nordic A/S
Lottenborgvej 26
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Representative Industry
DeftChem SAS
15, Rue au Guet
58310 Saint Vérain
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific
Parc d'innovationBoulevard Sébastien Brant
67403 Illkirch cedex
Representative Life Sciences
ZAC du Ribay17 rue Arnold Dolmetsch
72000 Le Mans
- +33 2 43 39 25 30
- +33 2 43 39 25 39
- contact@servilab.fr
Representative Life Sciences
Symbiose Environnement SARL
Le Carrefour
53810 CHANGÉ
- +33 2 43 49 75 55
- +33 2 43 49 75 56
- contact@symbiose-environnement.com
Representative Medical
Symbiose Environnement SARL
Le Carrefour
53810 CHANGÉ
- +33 2 43 49 75 55
- +33 2 43 49 75 56
- contact@symbiose-environnement.com
Representative Medical
190 rue Rene Barthelemy
14104 Lisieux Cedex
- +33 231 31 10 50
- +33 231 31 80 60
- frederic.leautey@sodel-sa.eu
Representative Industry
Bühler UK Ltd.
Unit 8/9 Mercury ParkMercury Way
M41 7LY Urmston, Manchester
United Kingdom
- +44 161 866 2800
- +44 161 866 2801
- office.bhbc@buhlergroup.com
Representative Life Sciences
Derouge Engineering Ltd
57 Mersey Road
Heaton Mersey
Stockport SK4 3DJ
United Kingdom
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific UK Ltd
Bishop Meadow Road
Leicestershire LE11 5RG
United Kingdom
Representative Industry
Borer Chemie AG
Gewerbestrasse 1345238 Zuchwil
- +41 (0)32 686 56 00
- +41 (0)32 686 56 90
- office@borer.ch
Representative Medical
Barrio San Felipe No. 3002Atras de la Iglesia Medalla Milagrosa
11101 Tegucigalpa
Representative Industry
Suzhou ZMC Industrial Consultancy Co Ltd
Unit 13, 17th floor, Jinghui Building,
No 277 Yangdong Road, SIP
21500 Suzhou
Representative Life Sciences
Vocci Group Limited
Unit 908, 9/F, Block B,Goodview Industrial Building
11 Kin Fat Street
Tuen Mun
Hong Kong
Representative Industry
Imkemex Marketing Pvt ltd.; For optical and metal applications
B205, Navbharat Estates5E/172, Zakaria Bunder Road, Sewri West
400 015 Mumbai
- +91 22 2415 7984
- +91 22 2415 7964
- info@imkx.in
Representative Life Sciences
Off Western Express Highway,Goregaon (East)
Mumbai 400 063
- +91 22 4041 3131
- +91 22 4041 3199
- sales@electrolabgroup.com
Representative Life Sciences
Pharmalab India Pvt. Ltd.
Santej-Vadsar Road, Santej,Ta : Kalol, Dist : Gandhinagar,
382721 Gujarat
- +91 22 6622 9900
- +91 22 6622 9800
- mkt@pharmalab.com
Representative Medical
Kiwi Medical Supplies
D-02, Regency Plaza Business ParkNear Valdhuni Bridge, Ulhasnagar
421003 Maharashtra
Representative Industry
ZMC International Pte Ltd
10 Ubi Crescent Lobby E#05-92/93/94/95 Ubi TechPark
408564 Singapore
Representative Life Sciences
PT Doxa Manggalya Utama
Jl. Rumah Sakit Fatmawati No. 14-15Belakang Jl. Bunyu
Cilandak Barat, Jakarta Selatan 12430
- +62 21 75902115
- +62 21 75901320
- doxamu@cbn.net.id
Representative Medical
PT. Lima Dispo Selaras
Jl. Pulo Ribung Raya Blok AR1 / 63
17147 Bekasi Selatan
- +6221 2957 1196
- +6221 8243 7409
- info@limadisposelaras.co.id
Representative Industry
Bühler UK Ltd.
Unit 8/9 Mercury ParkMercury Way
M41 7LY Urmston, Manchester
United Kingdom
- +44 161 866 2800
- +44 161 866 2801
- office.bhbc@buhlergroup.com
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific Ireland
Blanchardstown Corporate Park 2Ballycoolin
Dublin 15
Representative Medical
Rockford Healthcare
Unit 3, The Westway Centre
Ballymount Avenue
Dublin 12
Representative Industry
Ronly Technologies (1988) Ltd.
Hahayal Haalmoni 7a st.P.O. box 168
7510101 Rishon Lezion
- +972 3 969 6804
- +972 3 966 0955
- ronly@ronly.co.il
Representative Life Sciences
Ronly Technologies (1988) Ltd.
Hahayal Haalmoni 7a st.P.O. box 168
7510101 Rishon Lezion
- +972 3 969 6804
- +972 3 966 0955
- ronly@ronly.co.il
Representative Medical
Ronly Technologies (1988) Ltd.
Hahayal Haalmoni 7a st.P.O. box 168
7510101 Rishon Lezion
- +972 3 969 6804
- +972 3 966 0955
- ronly@ronly.co.il
Representative Industry
Via Enrico Tazzoli 620154 Milano
- +39 02 62542 1
- +39 02 65 51 505
- info@garzantispecialties.it
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Italia
Strada Rivoltana km 420053 Rodano Milano
Representative Life Sciences
Piazza C. C. Del Maino, 1120086 Motta Visconti (MI)
- +39 02 494 91 501
- +39 02 494 91 502
- customer.service@rigelprocessandlab.com
Representative Medical
BM Italia srl
Via Decio Raggi, 252° piano Int. 10
47121 Forli (FC)
- +0039 0543 33034
- +0039 0543 33912
- commerciale@bmitaliasrl.com
Representative Industry
Leybold Co. Ltd.
Tokyo Tatemono Nihonbashi Bldg. 6F1-3-13 Nihonbashi Chuo-ku
103-0027 Tokyo
- +81 3 3272 1861
- +81 3 3281 4490
- k-kurosawa@leybold-kk.com
Representative Life Sciences
Atec Japan K.K.
1-30-41, Tatsumikita544-0004 Ikunoku, Osaka
- +81 661 15 81 13
- +81 661 15 81 14
- office@atecgroup.jp
Representative Life Sciences
Leybold Co. Ltd.
Tokyo Tatemono Nihonbashi Bldg. 6F1-3-13 Nihonbashi Chuo-ku
103-0027 Tokyo
- +81 3 3272 1861
- +81 3 3281 4490
- k-kurosawa@leybold-kk.com
Representative Medical
2-12-4 Sakae-ChoFunabashi-Shi
273-0018 Chiba
- +81 47 431 1871
- +81 47 431 1878
- hiroshi@nition.co.jp
Representative Industry
Borer Chemie AG
Gewerbestrasse 134528 Zuchwil
- +41 (0)32 686 56 00
- +41 (0)32 686 56 90
- office@borer.ch
Representative Medical
16A Astana Street070003 Ust-Kamenogorsk
Representative Industry
Borer Chemie AG
Gewerbestrasse 134528 Zuchwil
- +41 (0)32 686 56 00
- +41 (0)32 686 56 90
- office@borer.ch
Representative Medical
Str. "Velania" 2/7 Nr. 63
10000 Prishtina
- +381 38 516064
- +381 38 516064
- granitbruci@hotmail.com
Representative Industry
Borer Chemie AG
Gewerbestrasse 134528 Zuchwil
- +41 (0)32 686 56 00
- +41 (0)32 686 56 90
- office@borer.ch
Representative Medical
Sami Solh Avenue
Azarieh Bldg - 3rd florr
Representative Industry
FenS bv
Amundsenweg 284462 GP Goes,
- +31 113 573 220
- +31 113 573 776
- sales@fens.nl
Representative Industry
ZMC International Pte Ltd
10 Ubi Crescent Lobby E#05-92/93/94/95 Ubi TechPark
408564 Singapore
Representative Life Sciences
No. 75, Jalan SP 3/4Taman Saujana Puchong,
47110 Puchong, Selangor
- +60 3 8069 1036/1038
- +60 3 8069 1039
- info@reintech-my.com
Representative Medical
No. 75, Jalan SP 3/4
Taman Saujana Puchong
47110 Puchong, Selangor
- +60 3 8069 1036/1038
- +60 3 8069 1039
- info@reintech-my.com
Representative Industry
T5DC, S.A. de C.V.
Via Adolfo López Mateos No 25
San Mateo, Naucalpan Edo. De Mexico
53240 Mexico
Representative Life Sciences
T5DC, S.A. de C.V.
Via Adolfo López Mateos No 25San Mateo, Naucalpan Edo. De Mexico
53240 Mexico
Representative Industry
In Vitro Technologies NZ Pty Ltd.
PO Box 14-323
New Zealand
- +64 9 573 0770
- +64 9 573 0711
- infonz@invitro.co.nz
Representative Life Sciences
In Vitro Technologies NZ Pty Ltd.
PO Box 14-323Panmure
New Zealand
- +64 9 573 0770
- +64 9 573 0711
- infonz@invitro.co.nz
Representative Medical
In Vitro Technologies NZ Pty Ltd.
PO Box 14-323Panmure
New Zealand
- +64 9 573 0770
- +64 9 573 0711
- infonz@invitro.co.nz
Representative Industry
Borer Chemie AG
Gewerbestrasse 134528 Zuchwil
- +41 (0)32 686 56 00
- +41 (0)32 686 56 90
- office@borer.ch
Representative Medical
Buhler Pharma, S.A.
Carretera Norte, km 2.5
Representative Industry
FenS bv
Amundsenweg 28
4462 Gp Goes
- +31 113 573 220
- +31 113 573 776
- sales@fens.nl
Representative Life Sciences
Boom BV
P.O. Box 37Rabroek
7942 JE Meppel
- +31 522 268 700
- +31 522 260 779
- boombv@boomlab.nl
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific part of Thermofisher Scientific
Scheepsbouwersweg 1b1121 PC Landmeer
Representative Industry
Borer Chemie AG
Gewerbestrasse 134528 Zuchwil
- +41 (0)32 686 56 00
- +41 (0)32 686 56 90
- office@borer.ch
Representative Medical
BM Commerce
Ruzveltova 63a1000 Skopje
North Macedonia
- +389 2 306 7070
- +389 2 306 7071
- vesnatasevska@t-home.mk
Representative Industry
KG Fridman AB NO
Gjuterigatan 11-13
Box 496
65221 Karlstad
- +46-(0)54-185215
- +46-(0)70-3176762
- info@fridman.com
Representative Industry
Leybold Optics
Källskullevägen 3143493 Vallda/Sweden
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific AS
Postboks 114, Samestad0309 Oslo
Representative Life Sciences
VWR International AS
Haavard Martinsens vei 300978 Oslo
- +47 2290 00 00
- +47 815 00 940
- info@no.vwr.com
Representative Medical
Steelco Nordic A/S
Lottenborgvej 26
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Representative Industry
WEBER Fertigungstechnik GmbH
Rauthweg 37A
6175 Kematen i. T.
Representative Life Sciences
VWR International GmbH
Graumanngasse 7
1150 Wien
- +43 1 97002 600
- +43 1 97002 600
- info.at@vwr.com
Representative Medical
Borer Chemie Deutschland GmbH
Lützeltaler Straße 363868 Großwallstadt
- +49 6022 26557-0
- +49 6022 26557-21
- office@borerchemie.de
Representative Industry
Borer Chemie AG
Gewerbestrasse 134528 Zuchwil
- +41 (0)32 686 56 00
- +41 (0)32 686 56 90
- office@borer.ch
Representative Medical
Total Technologies Pvt. Limited
696 J-2, Johar Town54590 Lahore
- +92 (0)42 35957281-3
- +92 (0)42 35957284
- info@totalgroup.com.pk
Representative Industry
Borer Chemie AG
Gewerbestrasse 134528 Zuchwil
- +41 (0)32 686 56 00
- +41 (0)32 686 56 90
- office@borer.ch
Representative Medical
Dynamed Healthcare Incorporated
42 Tomas Morato Avenue
3rd Floor Metrofocus Bldg.
1112 Quezon City
- +63 243 7916
- +63 252 5037
- deshtinehazel@dynamedhealthcare.com
Representative Industry
Trade & Consult LTD. Sp. z o.o.
ul. Nowa 605-500 Stara Iwiczna
- +48 22 250 39 51
- +48 22 250 39 50
- info@tradeconsult.pl
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific GmbH
ul. Polska 11460-401 Poznań
Representative Life Sciences
Trade & Consult LTD. Sp. z o.o.
ul. Nowa 605-500 Stara Iwiczna
- +48 22 250 39 51
- +48 22 250 39 50
- info@tradeconsult.pl
Representative Industry
Rua António Gonçalves lote 17 n.º 53Apartado 5083
3040-387 Coimbra
Representative Life Sciences
Enzymatic S.A.
Rua Francisco Franco CannasNº 23, Bloco 1 Fracção I, A-Das-Lebres
2660-500 Santo Antão do Tojal
- +351 211 999 470
- +351 211 999 469
- geral@enzymatic.pt
Representative Life Sciences
FisherScientific lda
Lagoas Park, Edificio 8 - Piso 02740-265 Porto Salvo
Representative Industry
Borer Chemie AG
Gewerbestrasse 134528 Zuchwil
- +41 (0)32 686 56 00
- +41 (0)32 686 56 90
- office@borer.ch
Representative Medical
Balkan Medical Distribution
Str. Moinesti nr. 4
Bl. 136, sc1, et.2, ap 13, Sector 6
061233 Bucuresti
- +40748 293 481
- +40 372 930912
- balkanmedical@gmail.com
Representative Life Sciences
Cross 21 - Riyadh Street31952 Bayouniah Al Khobar
Saudi Arabia
Representative Industry
KG Fridman AB
Gjuterigatan 11-13Box 496
65221 Karlstad
- +46-(0)54-185215
- +46-(0)54-186331
- info@fridman.com
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific GTF AB
Arendalsvägen 16418 78 Göteburg
Representative Life Sciences
Ryvej 12791 Dragør
Representative Life Sciences
VWR International AB
Fagerstagatan 18A163 94 Stockholm
- +46 8621 3400
- +46 8621 3568
- kundservice.se@vwr.com
Representative Hygiene
Tinovamed GmbH
Zielmattenring 64563 Gerlafingen
Representative Industry
Borer Chemie AG
Gewerbestrasse 134528 Zuchwil
- +41 (0)32 686 56 00
- +41 (0)32 686 56 90
- office@borer.ch
Representative Life Sciences
Dr. Grogg Chemie AG
Gümligentalstrasse 833066 Stettlen-Deisswil
- +41 31 932 11 66
- + 41 31 932 11 68
- info@grogg-chemie.ch
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific AG
Neuhofstrasse 114153 Reinach
Representative Life Sciences
Laboplan SA
Chemin du Vigneron 14Case Postale 251
1009 Pully
- +41 21 731 35 18
- +41 21 731 35 21
- laboplan@bluewin.ch
Representative Life Sciences
Sterico AG
Ruchstuckstrasse 148306 Brüttisellen
- +41 43 255 99 09
- +41 43 255 99 08
Representative Life Sciences
VWR International GmbH
Lerzenstrasse 16/188953 Dietikon
- +41 44 745 13 13
- +41 44 745 13 10
- info.ch@vwr.com
Representative Industry
Borer Chemie AG
Gewerbestrasse 134528 Zuchwil
- +41 (0)32 686 56 00
- +41 (0)32 686 56 90
- office@borer.ch
Representative Life Sciences
Topchemie medlab d.o.o.
Zmaj Ognjenog Vuka 211000 Belgrad
- +381 1136 90 190
- +381 11 40 93 228
- office@topchemie.com
Representative Medical
Topchemie medlab d.o.o.
Zmaj Ognjenog Vuka 211000 Belgrad
- +381 1136 90 190
- +381 11 40 93 228
- office@topchemie.com
Representative Industry
ZMC International Pte Ltd
10 Ubi Crescent Lobby E#05-92/93/94/95 Ubi TechPark
408564 Singapore
Representative Life Sciences
Neu Industries Pte Ltd
132 Joo Seng Road #04-01368358 Singapore
- +65 6817 8969
- +65 6636 9813
- sales@neuindustries.com
Representative Medical
Neu Industries Pte Ltd
132 Joo Seng Road #04-01
368358 Singapore
- +65 3152 0208
- +65 6636 9813
- sales@neuindustries.com
Representative Industry
MUDITIS s.r.o.
Korenského 1107/1515000 Praha 5
Czech Republic
Representative Life Sciences
MUDITIS s.r.o.
Korenského 1107/1515000 Praha 5
Czech Republic
Representative Medical
MUDITIS s.r.o.
Korenského 1107/1515000 Praha
Czech Republic
- +420 724 505 063
- +420 602 486 326
- info@muditis.cz
Representative Industry
BETOMAX Schneider
Strazisce 52391 Prevalje
- +386 2 8223979
- +386 2 8215985
- info@betomax.si
Representative Life Sciences
Mikro+Polo d.o.o.
Zagrebška cesta 222000 Maribor
- +386 2 614 33 00
- +386 2 614 33 20
- info@mikro-polo.si
Representative Medical
Meditrade d.o.o.
Brnčičeva 17b
SI-1231 Ljubljana-Črnuče
- +386 1 5854 600
- +386 1 5445 401
- marko.schulz@meditrade.si
Representative Industry
Rua António Gonçalves lote 17 n.º 53Apartado 5083
3040-387 Coimbra
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific S.L. Spain
C/ Luis I, 928031 Madrid
Representative Life Sciences
Vestilab Clean Room Control
Ctra Rubi-Terrassa BP-1503, Km 19.408192 St. Quirze del Vallès
08228 Barcelona
- +34 93 736 35 10
- +34 93 736 35 11
- info@alsico.es
Representative Medical
Antonio Matachana, S.A.
Almogávares, 174-17608018 Barcelona
- +34 933 008 012
- +34 933 005 924
- elorenzo@matachana.com
Representative Industry
Borer Chemie AG
Gewerbestrasse 134528 Zuchwil
- +41 (0)32 686 56 00
- +41 (0)32 686 56 90
- office@borer.ch
Representative Industry
Oak Zone TNS
#225, ACE tower 174-10,Jagok-ro, Gangnam-Gu
135-972 Seoul
South Korea
- +82 2 529 9331
- +82 2 529 9334
- tmkim@tnsk.co.kr
Representative Life Sciences
Oak Zone Biotech Co., Ltd.
#624, Hyundai Venture-Vill, 10
Bamgogae-ro 1-gil, Gangnam-Gu
06349 Seoul
South Korea
- +82 2 549 9330
- +82 2 548 9330
- contact@oakzone.com
Representative Medical
MeDent Professional Co., Ltd.
3F Samduk Bldg. 413-20, Sungnae-dongKangdong-gu
South Korea
- +82 2 484 88 18
- +82 2 484 88 28
- m-professional@hanmail.net
Representative Industry
DKSH Taiwan Ltd.; Optics and Optoelectronics
10F., No. 22, Lane 407, Tiding Blvd.,Sec. 2, Neihu Technology Park,
114 Taipei
Taiwan R.O.C
- +886 2 8752 6666
- +886 2 8751 8688
- weilun.tsao@dksh.com
Representative Life Sciences
Oldinburgh Co., Ltd.
11F., No. 7-6, Sec. 2 Roosevelt Rd.Zhongzheng District
100 Taipei City
Taiwan R.O.C.
- +886 22 341 3669
- +886 22 341 3733
- service@odb.com.tw
Representative Medical
DKSH Taiwan Ltd.
10F., No. 22, Lane 407, Tiding Blvd.,Sec. 2, Neihu Technology Park,
114 Taipei
Taiwan R.O.C
- +886 2 8752 6666
- +886 2 8751 8688
- silvia.wang@dksh.com
Representative Industry
DKSH (Thailand) Limited
2106 Fantree 4 Building, Sukhumvit Road,Phrakhanong-Tai, Phrakhanong,
10260 Bangkok
- +662 3017300
- +662 3331014
- suchin.n@dksh.com
Representative Medical
999/3-5 Moo 9 Prachauthit_Kusang RdNaiklongbangplakod, Phrasamutjeydee
10290 Samutprakarn
- +662 461 7287 106
- +662 461 7200
- marketing@namwiwat.com
Representative Industry
MUDITIS s.r.o.
Korenského 1107/1515000 Praha
Czech Republic
- +420 724 505 063
- +420 602 486 326
- info@muditis.cz
Representative Life Sciences
MUDITIS s.r.o.
Korenského 1107/1515000 Praha 5
Czech Republic
Representative Medical
MUDITIS s.r.o.
Korenského 1107/1515000 Praha 5
Czech Republic
- +420 724 505 063
- +420 602 486 326
- info@muditis.cz
Representative Industry
A.O.S.B. Mah. 10021 Sokak No:1Cigli - Izmir
- +90 2324495993
- +90 2324495992
- info@molkim.com
Representative Life Sciences
Azelis TR Kimya End.Ürn.Ith.Ihr.
FSM Mah. Poligon Cad. No: 8ABuyaka
34771 Ümraniye Istanbul
- +90 216 504 44 44
- +90 216 504 42 42
- info@azelis.com.tr
Representative Medical
Tekstikent A24
Blok No 11
34235 Esenler Istanbul
Representative Industry
WEBER Fertigungstechnik GmbH
Rauthweg 37A
6175 Kematen i. T.
Representative Medical
Steelco Hungary Kft
Temesvar u. 19-21
1116 Budapest
- +36 1 371 0257
- +36 1 371 0258
- steelco@t-online.hu
Representative Industry
TECHNOTRADE International, Inc.
7 Perimeter Road03103-3343 Manchester, NH
- +1 603 622 5011
- +1 603 622 5211
- sales@technotradeinc.com
Representative Life Sciences
Accurate Chemical & Scientific Corporation
554 Westbury Ave11514 Carle Place NY
Representative Life Sciences
TECHNOTRADE International, Inc.
7 Perimeter Road03103-3343 Manchester, NH
- +1 603 622 5011
- +1 603 622 5211
- auwaerter@technotradeinc.com
Representative Industry
Borer Chemie AG
Gewerbestrasse 134528 Zuchwil
- +41 (0)32 686 56 00
- +41 (0)32 686 56 90
- office@borer.ch
Representative Medical
Kiwi Medical Supplies LLC
12, The Bridge BuildingTown Center
15890 Al Ain
United Arab Emirates
Representative Industry
Borer Chemie AG
Gewerbestrasse 13
4528 Zuchwil
- +41 (0)32 686 56 00
- +41 (0)32 686 56 90
- office@borer.ch
Representative Medical
Duong Gia Trading Co., Ltd
No. 4, Alley 343/10 Doi Can Street
Lieu Giai ward, Ba Dinh District
Hanoi city
Representative Medical
Medic plan
A. Panagouli 70
153 43 Agia Paraskevi
Representative Medical
AS Semetron
Kotka 26
11312 Tallinn

Dr. Markus Borer
Ad Interim Director Business Unit Medical

Extended management team
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