Life Sciences
Analytically clean surfaces are not only required for laboratory glassware cleaning. They are also essential in pharmaceutical production and the cosmetics industry, as well as other sectors.
Take advantage of our expertise in residue-free cleaning and let us advise you on the development of cleaning processes: after analysing your cleaning task, we develop a solution based on proven processes and our deconex® products. This demonstrably improves process reliability and makes processes more economical.
- Manual laboratory glassware cleaning
- Automated laboratory glassware cleaning
- Laboratory equipment grease
Validated Cleaning
- API/HPAPI production of actives
- Pharmaceutical production
- Biotechnology
- Cosmetics industry
Value Conservation
- Initial cleaning
- Derouging
- Passivation
- Work instructions for processes
Our services
Are you looking for a partner who understands your requirements exactly? Benefit from the technical knowledge and the experience of our experts. Whether it is residue-free cleaning, the development of the perfect cleaning process or residue analysis: We are the ideal contact for individual needs and ideal solutions.
The variety of contamination in laboratory glassware places high demands on cleaners and cleaning processes. Only robust and reliable cleaning results reduce the risk of errors in laboratory work. Furthermore, a cleaner must not leave any residue behind.
Ultimately, the laboratory glassware should be perfectly clean before each new use. We offer our customers high cleaning performance in processes that are gentle on materials.

Manual laboratory glassware cleaning
Our specially formulated cleaners compensate for low application temperatures and a lack of mechanical assistance. They are designed for this specific field of application, are easy to rinse off, can be used widely and deliver perfect, residue-free results when used correctly.

Automated laboratory glassware cleaning
From our comprehensive range of liquid and powder products, choose the solution that reliably ensures residue-free results in all washers. The high cleaning performance with simultaneous material protection delivers laboratory glassware with reproducible analytical purity.

Laboratory equipment grease
Thanks to the vacuum and high vacuum resistance over a wide temperature range, consistent consistency, inert behaviour and no dripping, unadulterated results can be achieved.
Manual laboratory glassware cleaning
Our specially formulated cleaners compensate for low application temperatures and a lack of mechanical assistance. They are designed for this specific field of application, are easy to rinse off, can be used widely and deliver perfect, residue-free results when used correctly.

Automated laboratory glassware cleaning
From our comprehensive range of liquid and powder products, choose the solution that reliably ensures residue-free results in all washers. The high cleaning performance with simultaneous material protection delivers laboratory glassware with reproducible analytical purity.

Laboratory equipment grease
Thanks to the vacuum and high vacuum resistance over a wide temperature range, consistent consistency, inert behaviour and no dripping, unadulterated results can be achieved.

In the download area you will find technical product documentation, documents on procedures as well as work instructions.

Validated cleaning
The latest regulations require the prevention of cross-contamination and extensive process knowledge. We share our expertise with our customers and ensure first-class results through situation-specific solutions.
Residue-free cleaning is the key factor for successful cleaning validation. Our decades of experience are based on a multitude of proven and validated applications. We understand your challenges and offer excellent solutions for even the most difficult residues with our products, processes, comprehensive documentation and range of services. These comply with the latest GMP requirements and result in a high level of process reliability.
Our efficient solutions are also economically appealing: they significantly reduce downtimes and increase productivity.

Production of actives (API/HPAPI)
The wide range of organic chemical residues is often stubborn and presents a challenge to effective cleaning. Our water-based cleaning processes can replace the time-consuming dissolving of residues with organic solvents and reduce downtime. They also make an important contribution to occupational safety.

Pharmaceutical production
The removal of active ingredients and excipients in the production of solid, semi-solid and liquid medicinal products requires customised cleaning since the residues can be cleaned off to varying degrees. In developing our effective cleaning processes, we have therefore also taken into account the physical-chemical nature of worst-case residues.

Typical residues from biotechnological production are often complex, organic mixtures. Cleaning bioreactors and other production equipment therefore represents a particular challenge. Undesirable proteins, for example, are those that can lead to cross-contamination. Our cleaning processes avoid residues so that the sensitive cell growth is not disturbed.

Cosmetics industry
Enormous demands and complex residues require optimised cleaning processes. Cleaning but also long rinsing phases often take a lot of time. We support our customers in the optimisation of their processes and thereby help to save time and resources, increasing productivity. The result is surfaces that are clean and without residue.
Production of actives (API/HPAPI)
The wide range of organic chemical residues is often stubborn and presents a challenge to effective cleaning. Our water-based cleaning processes can replace the time-consuming dissolving of residues with organic solvents and reduce downtime. They also make an important contribution to occupational safety.

Pharmaceutical production
The removal of active ingredients and excipients in the production of solid, semi-solid and liquid medicinal products requires customised cleaning since the residues can be cleaned off to varying degrees. In developing our effective cleaning processes, we have therefore also taken into account the physical-chemical nature of worst-case residues.

Typical residues from biotechnological production are often complex, organic mixtures. Cleaning bioreactors and other production equipment therefore represents a particular challenge. Undesirable proteins, for example, are those that can lead to cross-contamination. Our cleaning processes avoid residues so that the sensitive cell growth is not disturbed.

Cosmetics industry
Enormous demands and complex residues require optimised cleaning processes. Cleaning but also long rinsing phases often take a lot of time. We support our customers in the optimisation of their processes and thereby help to save time and resources, increasing productivity. The result is surfaces that are clean and without residue.

Brochures, product sheets and further information can be found in the download centre.
Our support simplifies the validation of your cleaning procedures and processes. Make use of our expertise!
Value conservation
Regular maintenance protects and maintains the value of production facilities. The risk of longer production interruptions due to extensive maintenance work is reduced and economic efficiency is increased. The surfaces in contact with the product also remain in a defined state and thus meet the regulatory requirements.
Integrate our proven procedures as a recommended course of action in risk assessments. And rely on comprehensive documentation on the products as well as work instructions for practical implementation.

Initial cleaning
After installation and before the first commissioning of new production facilities, a basic clean effectively removes residues left over from manufacturing and installation. The subsequent passivation leads to a defined condition of the surfaces and a system ready for operation.
Rouging is based on a disturbance of the passive layer of stainless steel surfaces and is not acceptable for safe processes. The surfaces are neither visually clean nor in a defined state, there is a risk of migration of foreign particles and corrosion can occur. Our deconex® DEROUGE systems remove rouge easily, quickly and safely.
The processes we have developed strengthen or renew the spontaneously formed passive layer on stainless steel surfaces. Routine passivation maintains surfaces in a defined state, increases the service life of equipment and reduces the risk of interrupted production. Analyses show superior efficacy compared to traditional methods.
Work instructions for processes
Use our guidance and checklists on processes and document all procedures in the area of value conservation. Comprehensive documentation ensures that you can also use our derouging procedures easily and safely yourself: DIY - derouge-it-yourself!
Our support simplifies the validation of your cleaning procedures and processes. Make use of our expertise!

Are you looking for a partner who understands your requirements exactly? Benefit from the technical knowledge and the experience of our experts. Whether it is residue-free cleaning, the development of the perfect cleaning process or residue analysis: We are the ideal contact for individual needs and support our customers with our comprehensive range of products and services in the implementation of national and international regulatory requirements, such as GMP.
Process development
Leave nothing to chance when it comes to GMP cleaning! We develop process proposals for our customers which are geared towards a medicinal product's lifecycle and which take into account critical control and quality attributes in line with Quality by Design (QbD). Only the combination of a specific method with the correct choice of cleaner results in effective and residue-free cleaning. The deconex® CLEAN study is an elementary building block of the rationale for critical cleaning processes.
Advice is one of our core areas of expertise. Take advantage of our application engineers' many years of experience - by telephone or at your premises. Our experts specifically tailor the development or optimisation of a process to the equipment used and the properties of the residues, developing effective and economical solutions that result in residue-free surfaces and increased productivity through short downtimes. Customised work instructions as well as comprehensive documentation of our products and complementary services simplify the steps towards the definition of successful cleaning.

Training courses and workshops
Become a professional in residue-free cleaning! At the courses and training sessions from the Borer Cleaning Academy, you benefit from the knowledge of our experts and have the opportunity to deepen your own knowledge. The courses are modular and can be attended as individual training courses or combined with each other. The courses on offer include basic training on the fundamentals of cleaning and cleaning validation, as well as advanced training on specific topics. We are happy to adapt our training courses to your individual needs.On request, we also conduct our training courses at our customers' premises.

Borer Competence Center
Experience our expertise in the development of efficient and economical cleaning processes within the framework of a deconex® CLEAN study - ideally straight away in our unique, state-of-the-art testing and training centre!
Here, we develop customised solutions for you, taking into account customer-specific residues and the substrates to be cleaned.

Process development
Leave nothing to chance when it comes to GMP cleaning! We develop process proposals for our customers which are geared towards a medicinal product's lifecycle and which take into account critical control and quality attributes in line with Quality by Design (QbD). Only the combination of a specific method with the correct choice of cleaner results in effective and residue-free cleaning. The deconex® CLEAN study is an elementary building block of the rationale for critical cleaning processes.
Advice is one of our core areas of expertise. Take advantage of our application engineers' many years of experience - by telephone or at your premises. Our experts specifically tailor the development or optimisation of a process to the equipment used and the properties of the residues, developing effective and economical solutions that result in residue-free surfaces and increased productivity through short downtimes. Customised work instructions as well as comprehensive documentation of our products and complementary services simplify the steps towards the definition of successful cleaning.

Training courses and workshops
Become a professional in residue-free cleaning! At the courses and training sessions from the Borer Cleaning Academy, you benefit from the knowledge of our experts and have the opportunity to deepen your own knowledge. The courses are modular and can be attended as individual training courses or combined with each other. The courses on offer include basic training on the fundamentals of cleaning and cleaning validation, as well as advanced training on specific topics. We are happy to adapt our training courses to your individual needs.On request, we also conduct our training courses at our customers' premises.

Borer Competence Center
Experience our expertise in the development of efficient and economical cleaning processes within the framework of a deconex® CLEAN study - ideally straight away in our unique, state-of-the-art testing and training centre!
Here, we develop customised solutions for you, taking into account customer-specific residues and the substrates to be cleaned.

Do you have any questions about our products and services? Contact us!
Your advanced cleaning solution experts

Regional sales partners worldwide
The worldwide use of our products requires a well-developed distribution system. With main agencies in over 60 countries, we guarantee direct customer contact and reliable delivery dates. Our sales partners support our customers worldwide with targeted, industry-specific training in the best possible application of our cleaning products and thus bring Borer expertise right to the user.
Representative Life Sciences
In Vitro Technologies Pty. Ltd.
7-9 Summit Road3174 Noble Park, Melbourne, VIC
- +61 3 9771 3700
- +61 3 9771 3720
- info@invitro.com.au
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific SPRL
Guldensporenpark 269820 Merelbeke
Representative Life Sciences
Symbiose Environnement SARL
Le Carrefour53810 CHANGÉ
- +33 243 49 75 55
- +33 243 49 75 56
- contact@symbiose-environnement.com
Representative Life Sciences
Nova Analítica Imp. Exp. Ltda
Av. Fábio Eduardo Ramos Esquível, 2100
Diadema - SP
Representative Life Sciences
Medical Technics Eng. Ltd.
Mladost 1, bl. 28 B, Dimitar Mollov Str.1750 Sofia
- +359 2 971 20 61
- +359 2 971 24 10
- info@mte-bg.com
Representative Life Sciences
Borer Chemie (Shanghai) Ltd
Suite 801, Changhang BuildingNo. 800
200122 Pudong Dist. Shanghai
- +86 21 5836 6216
- +86 21 5836 6213
- office.china@borer.ch
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific GmbH
Im Heiligen Feld 17
58239 Schwerte
- +49 2304 932 890
- +49 2304 932 950
- info.germany@thermofisher.com
Representative Life Sciences
Max F. Keller GmbH
Einsteinstrasse 14a68169 Mannheim
- +49 621 322 790
- +49 621 322 7927
- info@keller-mannheim.de
Representative Life Sciences
LLG Lab Logistics Group GmbH
Am Hambuch 153340 Meckenheim
- +49 222 5 92 110
- +49 222 5 92 1111
- info@llg.de
Representative Life Sciences
VWR International GmbH
Hilpertstrasse 20 A64295 Darmstadt
- +49 6151 3972 0
- +49 6151 3972 450
- info.de@vwr.com
Representative Life Sciences
Borer Chemie AG
Gewerbestrasse 134528 Zuchwil
- +41 (0)32 686 56 00
- +41 (0)32 686 56 90
- info@borer.ch
Representative Life Sciences
Carl Roth GmbH & Co. KG
Schoemperlenstrasse 3-5
Postfach 10 01 21
76185 Karlsruhe
- +49 721 56060
- +49 721 5606149
- info@carlroth.de
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific Biotech Line ApS
Postboks 60
4000 Roskilde
Representative Life Sciences
Ryvej 12791 Dragør
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific OY
Ratastie 201620 Vantaa
Representative Life Sciences
VWR International Oy
Valimotie 9, 6 krs.00380 Helsinki
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific
Parc d'innovationBoulevard Sébastien Brant
67403 Illkirch cedex
Representative Life Sciences
ZAC du Ribay17 rue Arnold Dolmetsch
72000 Le Mans
- +33 2 43 39 25 30
- +33 2 43 39 25 39
- contact@servilab.fr
Representative Life Sciences
Symbiose Environnement SARL
Le Carrefour
53810 CHANGÉ
- +33 2 43 49 75 55
- +33 2 43 49 75 56
- contact@symbiose-environnement.com
Representative Life Sciences
Derouge Engineering Ltd
57 Mersey Road
Heaton Mersey
Stockport SK4 3DJ
United Kingdom
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific UK Ltd
Bishop Meadow Road
Leicestershire LE11 5RG
United Kingdom
Representative Life Sciences
Vocci Group Limited
Unit 908, 9/F, Block B,Goodview Industrial Building
11 Kin Fat Street
Tuen Mun
Hong Kong
Representative Life Sciences
Off Western Express Highway,Goregaon (East)
Mumbai 400 063
- +91 22 4041 3131
- +91 22 4041 3199
- sales@electrolabgroup.com
Representative Life Sciences
Pharmalab India Pvt. Ltd.
Santej-Vadsar Road, Santej,Ta : Kalol, Dist : Gandhinagar,
382721 Gujarat
- +91 22 6622 9900
- +91 22 6622 9800
- mkt@pharmalab.com
Representative Life Sciences
PT Doxa Manggalya Utama
Jl. Rumah Sakit Fatmawati No. 14-15Belakang Jl. Bunyu
Cilandak Barat, Jakarta Selatan 12430
- +62 21 75902115
- +62 21 75901320
- doxamu@cbn.net.id
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific Ireland
Blanchardstown Corporate Park 2Ballycoolin
Dublin 15
Representative Life Sciences
Ronly Technologies (1988) Ltd.
Hahayal Haalmoni 7a st.P.O. box 168
7510101 Rishon Lezion
- +972 3 969 6804
- +972 3 966 0955
- ronly@ronly.co.il
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Italia
Strada Rivoltana km 420053 Rodano Milano
Representative Life Sciences
Piazza C. C. Del Maino, 1120086 Motta Visconti (MI)
- +39 02 494 91 501
- +39 02 494 91 502
- customer.service@rigelprocessandlab.com
Representative Life Sciences
Atec Japan K.K.
1-30-41, Tatsumikita544-0004 Ikunoku, Osaka
- +81 661 15 81 13
- +81 661 15 81 14
- office@atecgroup.jp
Representative Life Sciences
Leybold Co. Ltd.
Tokyo Tatemono Nihonbashi Bldg. 6F1-3-13 Nihonbashi Chuo-ku
103-0027 Tokyo
- +81 3 3272 1861
- +81 3 3281 4490
- k-kurosawa@leybold-kk.com
Representative Life Sciences
No. 75, Jalan SP 3/4Taman Saujana Puchong,
47110 Puchong, Selangor
- +60 3 8069 1036/1038
- +60 3 8069 1039
- info@reintech-my.com
Representative Life Sciences
T5DC, S.A. de C.V.
Via Adolfo López Mateos No 25San Mateo, Naucalpan Edo. De Mexico
53240 Mexico
Representative Life Sciences
In Vitro Technologies NZ Pty Ltd.
PO Box 14-323Panmure
New Zealand
- +64 9 573 0770
- +64 9 573 0711
- infonz@invitro.co.nz
Representative Life Sciences
Boom BV
P.O. Box 37Rabroek
7942 JE Meppel
- +31 522 268 700
- +31 522 260 779
- boombv@boomlab.nl
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific part of Thermofisher Scientific
Scheepsbouwersweg 1b1121 PC Landmeer
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific AS
Postboks 114, Samestad0309 Oslo
Representative Life Sciences
VWR International AS
Haavard Martinsens vei 300978 Oslo
- +47 2290 00 00
- +47 815 00 940
- info@no.vwr.com
Representative Life Sciences
VWR International GmbH
Graumanngasse 7
1150 Wien
- +43 1 97002 600
- +43 1 97002 600
- info.at@vwr.com
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific GmbH
ul. Polska 11460-401 Poznań
Representative Life Sciences
Trade & Consult LTD. Sp. z o.o.
ul. Nowa 605-500 Stara Iwiczna
- +48 22 250 39 51
- +48 22 250 39 50
- info@tradeconsult.pl
Representative Life Sciences
Enzymatic S.A.
Rua Francisco Franco CannasNº 23, Bloco 1 Fracção I, A-Das-Lebres
2660-500 Santo Antão do Tojal
- +351 211 999 470
- +351 211 999 469
- geral@enzymatic.pt
Representative Life Sciences
FisherScientific lda
Lagoas Park, Edificio 8 - Piso 02740-265 Porto Salvo
Representative Life Sciences
Cross 21 - Riyadh Street31952 Bayouniah Al Khobar
Saudi Arabia
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific GTF AB
Arendalsvägen 16418 78 Göteburg
Representative Life Sciences
Ryvej 12791 Dragør
Representative Life Sciences
VWR International AB
Fagerstagatan 18A163 94 Stockholm
- +46 8621 3400
- +46 8621 3568
- kundservice.se@vwr.com
Representative Life Sciences
Dr. Grogg Chemie AG
Gümligentalstrasse 833066 Stettlen-Deisswil
- +41 31 932 11 66
- + 41 31 932 11 68
- info@grogg-chemie.ch
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific AG
Neuhofstrasse 114153 Reinach
Representative Life Sciences
Laboplan SA
Chemin du Vigneron 14Case Postale 251
1009 Pully
- +41 21 731 35 18
- +41 21 731 35 21
- laboplan@bluewin.ch
Representative Life Sciences
Sterico AG
Ruchstuckstrasse 148306 Brüttisellen
- +41 43 255 99 09
- +41 43 255 99 08
Representative Life Sciences
VWR International GmbH
Lerzenstrasse 16/188953 Dietikon
- +41 44 745 13 13
- +41 44 745 13 10
- info.ch@vwr.com
Representative Life Sciences
Topchemie medlab d.o.o.
Zmaj Ognjenog Vuka 211000 Belgrad
- +381 1136 90 190
- +381 11 40 93 228
- office@topchemie.com
Representative Life Sciences
Neu Industries Pte Ltd
132 Joo Seng Road #04-01368358 Singapore
- +65 6817 8969
- +65 6636 9813
- sales@neuindustries.com
Representative Life Sciences
MUDITIS s.r.o.
Korenského 1107/1515000 Praha 5
Czech Republic
Representative Life Sciences
Mikro+Polo d.o.o.
Zagrebška cesta 222000 Maribor
- +386 2 614 33 00
- +386 2 614 33 20
- info@mikro-polo.si
Representative Life Sciences
Fisher Scientific S.L. Spain
C/ Luis I, 928031 Madrid
Representative Life Sciences
Vestilab Clean Room Control
Ctra Rubi-Terrassa BP-1503, Km 19.408192 St. Quirze del Vallès
08228 Barcelona
- +34 93 736 35 10
- +34 93 736 35 11
- info@alsico.es
Representative Life Sciences
Oak Zone Biotech Co., Ltd.
#624, Hyundai Venture-Vill, 10
Bamgogae-ro 1-gil, Gangnam-Gu
06349 Seoul
South Korea
- +82 2 549 9330
- +82 2 548 9330
- contact@oakzone.com
Representative Life Sciences
Oldinburgh Co., Ltd.
11F., No. 7-6, Sec. 2 Roosevelt Rd.Zhongzheng District
100 Taipei City
Taiwan R.O.C.
- +886 22 341 3669
- +886 22 341 3733
- service@odb.com.tw
Representative Life Sciences
MUDITIS s.r.o.
Korenského 1107/1515000 Praha 5
Czech Republic
Representative Life Sciences
Azelis TR Kimya End.Ürn.Ith.Ihr.
FSM Mah. Poligon Cad. No: 8ABuyaka
34771 Ümraniye Istanbul
- +90 216 504 44 44
- +90 216 504 42 42
- info@azelis.com.tr
Representative Life Sciences
Accurate Chemical & Scientific Corporation
554 Westbury Ave11514 Carle Place NY
Representative Life Sciences
TECHNOTRADE International, Inc.
7 Perimeter Road03103-3343 Manchester, NH
- +1 603 622 5011
- +1 603 622 5211
- auwaerter@technotradeinc.com
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Download Center
Product brochures, product data sheets and user information on our products and services are available for download here.
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Another way to get to know us and our products and services is through our training courses and seminars.